Russian Style VOIN System
Sergei A. Tyschenko (born in 1975) began to study martial arts in his childhood. He got the first basis of martial arts from his grandfather I.D.Tyschenko. He, in his turn, studied martial arts first of all at school of sharpshooters at the beginning of 1941, and then, after assigning him to the North-Western front, in the brigade of sea infantry (the Germans used to call it Black Devils). After the first battle already I.D.Tyschenko was appointed the commander of the intelligence service detachment. Afterwards he was awarded orders and medals for the bravery in the war against fascists. Today he lives in St.Petersburgh, he is the invalid of the second group.
Until 1988 S.A.Tyschenko has studied different systems of self-defence. From 1988 he began to master the Russian style of close fight.
1993 – He finished the college, got the education (specialization – mechanic-technician).
1993 – There was worked out a new trend in the Russian style of close fight, system “Warrior”, the authors of which are two brothers S.A.Tyschenko and V.A.Tyschenko.
Developing and mastering his own system of close fight, S.A.Tyschenko continued attending different seminars and educated himself on other systems of close fight in different cities of Russia (he has got a number of certificates from these seminars).
1997 – The knowledge and experience of S.A.Tyschenko were worthily appraised by the member-correspondent of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Russian Federation, by the academician of Russian Land, the founder of close fight – the system of A.A.Kadochnikov (certificate – 1997).
There was prepared a licence for a regional representation of Kadochnikov School in Orenburgh Region (the territory of which is 124 000, the population – 2 179 551 people), that is equal to the status of Black Belt, which is between ranks Dan1 and Dan3.
1998 - S.A.Tyschenko created and became the head of an educational establishment “The Centre of Slavonic Combat”, a municipal establishment of additional education, organized with the help of the city administration of education. System “Warrior” – Russian Style was mastered on this basis (an official characteristic – 20.02.2001.).
1999 – The administration of Orenburgh, the Committee of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, gave the title “public instructor” to S.A.Tyschenko and V.A.Tyschenko, who passed the certification on close fight.
1999 - S.A.Tyschenko passed other certificating exams and got new documents of higher qualification. He became an official representative of Kadochnikov School of the whole Ural Region which itself consists of 7 regions (territory – 824 000 sq. km, population- 18 369 716 people), that is equal to the status of Master, which is between ranks Dan4 and Dan7. Many times he held seminars for the guard organizations, law and order structures (certificate – 1999).
01.02.1999 – On the basis of the order of Municipal Administration of Education (Orenburgh) №19 and the City Sports Committee №894 S.A.Tyschenko was given power to control all the Slavonic varieties of martial arts in Orenburgh (document – 01.02.1999).
2000 – He graduated from the Institute Of Increasing The Qualification Of Educational Staff, speciality “Manager in the social sphere” (got a teacher-training education – Diploma 2002).
2000 – He passed the certification of the teacher-training staff, having got the 2nd qualificational degree.
2000 – The administration of Orenburgh Region, its Youth Committee, approved the Russian style of close fight system “Warrior” and recommended it as training programme for youths and members of guard organizations (an official letter of approval).
2000 - The Russian style of close fight - system “Warrior” was included into compulsory educational programmes of several educational establishments in Orenburgh (a letter of recommendation – 03.10.2000).
2002 - S.A.Tyschenko organized Regional Association of National Martial Arts, opened a number of departments in Orenburgh Region (certificate – 2002).
2002 – Law and Order Organs of Russian Federation, the Department of Central Region of Orenburgh, approved The Russian style of close fight - system “Warrior”, mastered by brothers Tyschenko (an official letter – 29.05. 02)
2003 – He graduated from The Orenburgh Agrarian University, got the qualification “Lawyer”, speciality “Law” (Diploma – 2003).
2004 – The regional association was reorganized into Inter-regional Association of National Martial Arts with the rights to open departments in half of subjects of Russian Federation (45 regions). (certificate – 2004).
2006 - The Russian style of close fight - system “Warrior”, mastered by brothers Tyschenko, got an official state approval. They got a Copyright Certificate, given by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation, that is equal to Grand-Master rank. (certificate – 2006).
Today more than 15 thousand people in Russia and abroad study the Russian style of close fight - system “Warrior”. The number of supporters is increasing day by day. Reorganisation of Inter-regional Association of National Martial Arts into an international association is being prepared.